
Nursing Bottle caries in children - Causes, Prevention & Treatment

Do you allow your baby to sleep with a milk bottle in the mouth? This can result in a condition in your child known as nursing bottle caries.

In this blog, let's see the causes, treatment of nursing bottle caries and how this condition can be treated in your child.

What causes nursing bottle caries?

Nursing bottle caries can occur when the sweetened drinks or pacifiers dipped in sugar are given to babies and young kids, especially at sleeping time or at night.

The sugars can stick to the teeth for quite a long time making the mouth bacteria to change the sugar to acids that attack the teeth causing tooth decay.

What are the signs and symptoms of nursing caries seen in your child?

You can notice:

  • White spots on the teeth
  • Early development of cavities (brown regions on the tooth that lead to tooth destruction)

Visit dental clinics in Guntur.


  • If the caries is detected at an early phase, fluoride application on the teeth will prevent worsening of caries.
  • If the caries includes just enamel (outermost layer of the tooth), then restoration (tooth filling) should be done.
  • If the caries includes enamel and dentin (the internal layer of tooth close to enamel) then restoration (tooth filling) can be done.
  • If the caries includes enamel, dentin and pulp (the innermost layer of the tooth), depending on the extent of the caries in the pulp, pulpotomy (partial removal of the pulp) or pulpectomy (complete removal of the pulp chamber) can be done.

Get Nursing Bottle caries treatment in Guntur at Confydentz Dental Hospital which is the best pediatric dental clinic in Guntur

How to prevent your kid from nursing caries?

The following are suggestions to assist with preventing nursing caries:

  • Try not to allow your kid to go to bed with a bottle filled with sugary items except water.
  • Wean your child from the bottle in a timely manner.
  • Start good early mouth care of the gums and teeth.
  • Give fluoride supplementation, as suggested by your children dentist in Guntur.
  • Have early dental visits for your kid at best children dental hospital in Guntur.