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Crowns, Bridges and Dentures in Guntur

What is a crown & bridge?

A crown bridge, also known as a dental bridge or Dental Cap , is a dental restoration that replaces one or more missing teeth by using neighbouring teeth as support. Best dental bridges in Guntur consists of artificial teeth called Pontics , which are fused between two dental crowns to anchor the bridge in place.

How is a crown & bridge different from a regular crown?

While both involve the placement of dental crowns, a crown bridge is used to replace missing teeth by connecting to adjacent teeth, whereas a regular crown is placed on a single damaged or weakened tooth to restore its strength and appearance.

What are the different types of crowns & Bridges available?

There are several different types of dental crowns available, each with its own unique characteristics. The types of dental crowns include:

Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns

These crowns have a metal substructure covered with porcelain. They provide a strong and durable restoration while also offering a natural tooth-like appearance. However, the metal component may sometimes create a dark line at the gumline.

All-ceramic or all-porcelain crowns

These crowns are made entirely of ceramic or porcelain material, without a metal substructure. They provide excellent aesthetics, as they can closely match the color and translucency of natural teeth. All-ceramic crowns are a popular choice for front teeth.

Metal crowns

These crowns are made of various metals, such as gold alloy, palladium, or base metal alloys. Metal crowns offer excellent strength and durability, making them suitable for molars and teeth that undergo significant biting forces. However, their metallic appearance makes them less popular for visible areas of the smile.

Zirconia crowns

Zirconia crowns are made from a strong and durable ceramic material called zirconium dioxide. They offer excellent aesthetics, strength, and biocompatibility. Zirconia crowns are often used for both front and back teeth.

E-max crowns

E-max crowns are made from a type of all-ceramic material called lithium disilicate. They are known for their exceptional aesthetics and strength. E-max crowns are often used for front teeth restorations where both beauty and durability are important.

Temporary crowns

Temporary crowns are made from acrylic or stainless steel and are used as a temporary solution while waiting for a permanent crown to be fabricated. They provide protection and function until the permanent crown is ready

The choice of dental crown in Guntur depends on various factors, including the location of the tooth, the aesthetic requirements, the patient's oral health, and their budget. It's best to consult with a best dentist in Guntur who can evaluate your specific needs and recommend the most suitable type of crown for your situation.

How long does a crown & bridge last?

The lifespan of a crown bridge varies depending on various factors such as oral hygiene practices, biting forces, and the materials used. On average, a well-maintained crown bridge can last between 10 to 15 years. However, with proper care, they can last even longer.

How are crown bridges placed?

The process of getting a crown bridge typically involves multiple dental visits. During the first visit, the adjacent teeth are prepared by removing a small portion of their enamel. Impressions are taken to create an accurate mold of the teeth, which is sent to a dental laboratory for fabrication. In the following visit, the custom-made bridge is placed, adjusted, and cemented onto the prepared teeth.

What are dentures?

Dentures in Guntur are removable dental appliances used to replace missing teeth and surrounding tissues.

What are BPS Dentures?

BPS dentures, or Bio Functional Prosthetic System dentures, are custom-made dentures that offer a precise fit, improved function, and enhanced aesthetics. They are created using advanced technology and high-quality materials to provide stability, comfort, and durability. BPS dentures closely mimic the appearance of natural teeth and gums, resulting in a more natural-looking smile. Regular dental check-ups at Dental clinics in Guntur are still necessary to maintain oral health and ensure the proper fit and function of BPS dentures.

How long does it take to get dentures?

The process can take a few weeks, depending on oral health and the type of dentures being made.

Are dentures comfortable?

With proper fit and adjustments, most people find dentures comfortable for speaking and eating.

How should dentures be cared for?

Dentures should be cleaned daily, removed at night, and stored in a denture soaking solution.

Can dentures be worn while sleeping?

It is generally recommended to remove dentures while sleeping to allow oral tissues to rest.

How long do dentures last?

On average, dentures may last between 5 to 10 years, but adjustments or relining may be needed.

Can dentures affect speech?

Initially, dentures may affect speech, but with practice, most people regain normal speech patterns.

Are there alternatives to dentures?

Yes, alternatives include dental implants or dental bridges, depending on individual needs.

Can dentures be repaired?

Yes, dentures can be repaired if they break or become damaged. Contact Dr. Ranjit Kumar Peravali for professional repair.

Do dentures require regular check-ups?

Yes, regular dental check-ups are necessary to maintain oral health and the proper functioning of dentures.

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