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Seeking dental treatment for Gum problems in Guntur

Seeking dental treatment for Gum problems in Guntur

Causes of gum disease:

Dental treatment for gum problems:

Gingivitis Treatment:

Periodontitis Treatment

There are many other treatments involving surgical procedures are discussed below:

  • Flap Procedure: The Procedure involves the pulling back of the gums and cleaning of the teeth roots. Flaps are strengthened, and bone damage is repaired.
  • Gingivectomy: The Procedure is used for reshaping and removing loose and diseased tissue. Getting rid of the pockets between teeth and gums helps in preventing plaque buildup.
  • Extraction: In the cases when the condition is considered to be quite severe, the tooth can also be extracted. The antibiotics can be given for reducing infection.

Laser therapy as a boon for dental issues:

Benefits of using laser therapy:

  • Healing and recovery time is short.
  • The laser is known to target the disease spots accurately and precisely.
  • Swelling, bleeding, and pain are limited as periodontal laser therapy is not as invasive as the regular surgery.
  • While performing the therapy, no general anesthetic is required.

Diabetes and Gum problems: